Many praises for a successful and enjoyable visit in India. Our time with the Lucas family in southern India and my time in Mumbai was very fruitful and refreshing. Priscilla Wilson, the new Director of Children’s Ministries at ECC, connected so very well with the children at the Lucas’ school and had warm conversations with all the Lucas family. Brigitte Wensauer had good encouraging sessions with the teachers and also enlivened our fellowship with the Lucas family. Brigitte cooked an authentic German meal for us all! I was able to have individual time with each of the Lucas family members. Many plans for the future were discussed with all of us, and a good sense of transfer was achieved.
My time in Mumbai, while short, was also a real blessing for me and my friend. We were able to have several very fruitful discussions as well as some fun relaxing and shopping time!
I return spiritually refreshed and encouraged from my time there. I also have only three weeks to finish all the work at ECC, pack and ship all my goods and leave for a second trip of encouragement to friends who are dear sisters and brothers in Great Britain, China, Malaysia and Philippines before arriving in Senegal in July!
Please pray for wisdom and efficiency in using my time wisely, health and humor in this time of transition. I still need 43% of my needed monthly support, so please continue to pray for this.
Thank you Alison, for those kind words. You are one of my heros!
Janie was one of my closest mentors as I came to Christ in my 40’s in Abu Dhabi. When I was serving in Baghdad, I called her from the cab of a truck on a very dusty and very hot day to get her input on a spiritual question of immediate import to me, and she was there for me. I am so excited to see her latest project!