All posts by Janie

Christmas Greetings!

Can you believe it is Christmas again already?  We spend so long thinking and wishing, and then when it is upon us wonder how it came so fast!  So now, before all the rush of activity sweeps me away, I wanted to pause and send YOU my personal greetings for this festive season of the year!  Our Kaffrine Bible Kids have been looking at Christmas from a different perspective – that of God’s eternal plan that purposefully included the manger and the cross.  We are overcome with wonder and awe at the depth and height of love that would go to such lengths for us.  I pray that same wonder will engulf you this Christmas season.

Molly was one of the Angels

Our Kaffrine Team had our Christmas Party on Tuesday, December 20, and the Kaffrine Bible Kids presented their Christmas play.

Our team gathered in our living room for Carols, prayer and fellowship
Emma was Mary, Wheaton was our Shepherd AND Wise Person

We are excited to have this opportunity to share in a fun way what we have learned about Christmas.  Our family will traveled from Kaffrine to Kébémer on December 21 to celebrate Corey’s and Emma’s birthdays and to have Christmas with good friends there.  We should return to Kaffrine in about a week.

After so many years of relative political tranquility several things of note are possible in the near future and I wanted to have your especial prayer support for us and Senegal during this time.  First, it is strongly rumored that the currency here will be devalued to about half its present worth at the beginning of January.  More significantly, while I very imperfectly comprehend the situation, what I do understand is that 12 years ago, Abdoulaye Wade was elected President of Senegal. He is currently 85 years old and completing his second term of office with elections scheduled for February 2012.  In 2001 a new constitution was adopted and amended in 2008 creating questions as to whether President Wade could or could not run for President a third time.  The Supreme Court is expected to rule on this question late in January.  Wade’s popularity is not universal and there is significant opposition to his running for a third term.  Because of this, there is the potential for significant unrest, including demonstrations and the possibility of some outbreak of violence over this court ruling and election.  Please pray for peace and political stability throughout this upcoming period.

There is a SIM meeting in Dakar scheduled for the middle of January which Corey and Katie need to attend.  Since Emma is turning TEN in December, her passport will expire!  She will go with Corey and Katie on this trip to renew her passport.  Molly, Wheaton and I will remain in Kaffrine.

As if all this were not enough, my residence permit will expire the end of December.  We now have an office in Kaffrine to handle this paperwork and do not anticipate any problems, but the busy-ness of the season could make the timing of obtaining it tricky, especially since we are traveling.

While we do not expect any difficulty during this time, everything is uncertain.  We are aware of the potentialities and are taking prudent steps to prepare ourselves for any difficulties, but also covet your prayers for peaceful politics particularly over the next several months.  How thankful we are that we are reminded at this Christmas season that our God is in control and we do not need to worry.

Resting in His Peace and Joy


Prayer Concerns:

  • All our plans for Christmas program and travel would go well, safe travel to and from Kébémer.
  • Smooth processing of my Residence Permit
  • Stability in the currency and finances for the Senegalese people
  • Peaceful reception of the Court ruling in January
  • Orderly elections in February and smooth transition of government to the new administration
  • Safe, uneventful January trip to Dakar for Corey, Katie and Emma, and the swift processing of Emma’s new passport