All posts by Janie

Return From Thailand

Read on to hear about the adventures our team had in Thailand!

Here is both the short email cover letter in italics and the longer version follows it.

We arrived and spent an amazing week seeing sights of Thailand, working to get plans for children’s sessions finished and getting over jet lag.  MORE:

IMG_20160722_095610946_HDRWe did take some fun trips around the area to see an ancient Buddhist temple, a modern shopping mall, the ancient wall and moat around the old city, and out to the countryside to see and ride elephants.  I took off my sandals so I wouldn’t drop them and then just rested my feet on the elephant’s back!  WElephantfeete saw an entertaining elephant show that ended with the elephants painting pictures.  Be sure to note the photo with the elephant’s painting in it!

We then went to the tiger center because several of our group wanted to go into the tiger cage to pet the tigers.  One wanted a companion to take Janie-Tiger-3446pictures, so I went and even petted some (thankfully) lethargic tigers.

We also went (several times!) to the “Night Market” a couple of blocks from our hotel where vendors set up stalls along the street and in open areas to sell a wide variety of items.  I have included some pictures of the street in the day time and at night.

I bought some (pretty unique) sneakers from one vendor (there is a picture of him and his stall) and had a chance to shoe salesmantalk with him about Christianity.  He said a man had prayed for him once and he felt a current through his touch.  When I prayed for him, he said, “nothing, no current.”  The next time we saw him he stopped me and said that after we left his stall, he sold more shoes than he has ever sold in one night, almost all the stock he had.  He was clearly impressed.  He expressed interest to receive a Bible and I made arrangements for one of the Thailand SIM staff to take him one.  Please pray for this lovely Buddhist man to come to know Jesus as his savior.

From Saturday to Wednesday we were outside Chiang Mai at a lovely resort area for the Spiritual Life Conference (SLC) for the Thailand team and the Central and South East Asia office, both located in Thailand.  It was great to get to know these saints who labor and serve in this challenging area.  Their children were lively and engaging, and we had a lovely time together.  MORE:

IMG_20160726_190916217We were pampered at a lovely resort set in the Thailand hills with individual huts nestled in trees with meandering paths all set on a peaceful little lake complete with canoes, a picturesque bridge, and fabulous sunsets.  Meals were served on a shaded sprawling porch right next to the modern air-conditioned conference room where the worship and adult sessions were held.  Over meals, I was able to meet with and get to know some of the adults and parents, some of whom I have been corresponding with for By Prayer over the past year.  It was nice to get to have people’s faces to put with email addresses.

Children smaller than 7 years old met at a separate building overlooking the two swimming pools, and the 7 to 12 year olds, IMG_20160725_114541814Austin Thorsen and I held our sessions next door to the conference room.  We had six children and studied a different Bible hero/heroine across the five sessions.  When one boy was told his family would have to leave the retreat a day early, he begged his mom to come back for the final day, and they did.  So, I think they all had fun and learned some.  The highlight was tie dying t-shirts, reenacting the rout of the Philistines after David killed Goliath (Austin), and the contest of Bible Trivia between the children and myself.  When I beat them the first go round, they spent the rest of the days trying to collectively beat me!  Yes, they finally did….  I think we all will remember this SLC together a long time.

We returned to Chiang Mai for the last several days of our time in Thailand and did some final touring and shopping and lots of resting.  Our team departed in stages and I traveled back alone arriving on Sunday evening.  MORE:

We made one last touring trip up in the hills to see another Buddhist temple and a Buddhist retreat center, and visited the Night Market a couple more times.  I spent a good bit of time in my room finishing up edits for the latest issue of By Prayer to send to the typesetter and just resting after a whirlwind two weeks in the flip flop thirteen-hour time difference.

I flew back last and alone.  I left Thailand at midnight on Saturday, flew in three flights in which I spent twenty-one and a half hours in the air, seven and a half hours in airports, traveled across thirteen time zones and arrived back in Charlotte on Sunday, July 31 at 3:30 in the afternoon.  Jet lag has really been a challenge to process, since our bodies take one day per time zone crossed to adjust.  I only have about three more days.

Because I was in Connecticut the first week of July, preparing for and gone to Thailand for the next three weeks, and the Perspectives course continued on, I am behind on homework for five lessons.  We are in the middle of a two-week break so I am trying to catch up on as much as I can.  I also have a project to turn in.  Fortunately I was able to interview a Thai for my project so only have to write it up, but it all takes time and energy.  While I have time, I haven’t had the energy for it all!

I have started to help out with transport of visitors to the SIM campus to the airport and have taken two trips to help relieve the very busy Hospitality staff at the SIM USA Office.

As I look back on the last month, I can see the amazing hand of God in all that has happened.  Your partnership in confirming and equipping me with your prayers and support strengthened me to do everything that was done.

Be sure to check out lots more pictures here!


  • Flights, while long, were uneventful and everyone’s luggage made it both there and back.
  • Our plans were completed, the retreat was refreshing and all benefited.
  • We all had a fun time exploring Thailand.


  • Because I was gone three weeks in July, I am behind in lots of work!  Pray I will be able to focus and accomplish everything that I need to in the coming weeks.
  • While I currently have adequate funds in my support account, please pray for more regular monthly supporters.

March to June 2016

Serving God through By Prayer at SIM USA is such a joy and pleasure.  01 springIt is encouraging to know the work God has given me reaches others in beneficial ways.  One of the things I have asked contributors to do is to share answers to the prayers we publish in By Prayer.  I then inform all the contributors of these answers to encourage us all to not give up praying.  One man wrote he had an answer.  He told me the theme of ‘Women in Ministry’ featured in By Prayer made him realize he didn’t have any women in ministry in his field.  He shared this concern with his Bible school students and sent me a request for women to do ministry in his area.  One of his students came to him and said she had an idea for a ministry she wanted to do reaching out to girls in the streets of her town.  They prayed together about it and he wrote to say this student has started a ministry to the girls teaching them to make jewelry they can sell to support themselves and studying the Bible together.  It is so exciting and humbling to see how God is using my work in the SIM USA office to impact our team mates in distant lands, expanding His mission.

Somehow the calendar keeps turning over and life keeps happening.  It has been a busy, eventful few months.  I had a lovely visit in March with my brother and sister and a 02 Ednasweet time of fellowship with old and new friends at Sebring.  Immediately upon my return I started a week long course (class from 9 to 5) in Trauma Healing.  This training equipped me to help people who have experienced traumatic events to process and recover in a healthy manner.  I anticipate taking the trainer course in the fall.  On the heels of this packed week, work began for another edition of By Prayer.

Just as I sent that edition to the typesetter, Corey, Katie and the girls arrived for a short home assignment in the USA.  We had a packed schedule with Katie’s parents for part of the time, meetings with friends over the pool or grill, picking berries (blackberries, strawberries and raspberries) and eating them, sandwiched in with games, laughter and just a little bit of time together to visit.  Katie’s dad even very graciously installed a storm door for me.  Too soon they were all gone.

Even before Corey and Katie arrived the Perspectives course for which I had signed up began.  It explores a Christian viewpoint of world missions.  I missed two classes while they were here and have worked hard to catch up on the class assignments.  Next week I will miss class again to travel to Connecticut to spend a week with Corey, Katie and the girls, and see some of you.

I plan to drive up and back hoping to stop off to see some friends along the way.  I leave Charlotte Friday, July 1 and need to be back at work Monday, July 11. I will go up through Wheeling, West Virginia to visit friends there and drive down the eastern coast on the way back. Let me know if you would be willing to have me stop by on my way up or back.  I would love to see you.

Thank you for your prayers for a church home.  I have found a lovely fellowship that is a little farther than I wanted, but the worship, teaching and fellowship are worth it.  I am attending a summer study group and look forward to getting to know the folks in it as well as studying the Word together.

I have signed up for another course in September on coaching, and joined the hospitality team at SIM to welcome visitors to the campus by picking them up at the airport when the regulars cannot.  It feels good to feel settled enough to expend my energies in these community-building activities.

Many thanks to all of you who contributed during the matching funds campaign from November through April.  You contributed over $12,600 that was matched.  This means these funds reduce my monthly shortfall to only a little over $1,100.  While I thankfully currently have these funds to cover my expenses for the present, we still need to pray for more monthly support partners.

Praises and prayers:

  • Ask for more answers to prayers to multiply ministry effectiveness through By Prayer.
  • Continued praises for the place I have been given to live in. Plead with me for more opportunities to use it to God’s glory.
  • Pray for safety as I travel to and from Connecticut and good connections with friends and family.
  • Praise for the $12,600 in matching funds, but please continue to pray for more monthly partners.

For a few pictures click here.

To contribute to the Thailand SLC fund click on this link. Click on the “Give Now” button and add a note saying your contribution is to my MINISTRY funds for the THAILAND TRIP.

2016 Marches On!

IMG_20160316_085040658_HDRWhat a joy it is to work in the SIM USA office!  Days begin with chapel led by Charlie Thorsen, (my boss) with praise, prayer, news and stories about SIM missionaries serving around the world with opportunities to pray for current requests.  We recently prayed for a short termer from Switzerland imprisoned in Africa for 3 weeks in 2013 still awaiting his next hearing in November.  Because of prayer, he was allowed to return to Switzerland without a hearing.

After chapel I get to read and pray over requests from around the world and put them in the By Prayer calendar for each day.  I hear a variety of amazing stories like Vihemba’s.  VihembaFor fifteen years she had a fistula and could not attend church or other activities.  Thankfully her husband stuck with her.  In May she was operated on and is now able to get out.  She was excited to be able to share her story with other women, then her faithful husband died and her hut was taken by her husband’s family.  Her story was published in By Prayer and I have since heard that God has blessed her.  The land the hut was on was hers so she has a place to live.  Her children are building her a new hut, and she is still testifying to the goodness of the Lord.  Please join me in praying for Vihemba as the lot of widows is a hard one in Africa.

Those who are prayed for greatly appreciate this ministry as testified by Ruby in West Africa: Thanks for giving of your time and gifting to getting this out for prayers. How we need God to intervene in the missionary work of SIM. This is such an important tool for raising prayer support which is just as important as financial support.

I am so very blessed to be a part of this network of prayer!

Please rejoice with me on the purchase of a townhouse just two miles from the SIM USA office.  Can you believe it – the name of my street is Spirit Bound Way!  I am so grateful for all your prayers and the wonderful IMG_4452way God worked out the purchase, all the willing hands that helped me move and over-the-top gifts of appliances and other needed household items.  I still have quite a few projects to attend to before I consider myself settled, but it has not stopped me from already welcoming guests.  I am delighted to be of assistance to travelers the SIM Guest House is unable to house.  I already hosted a 72-year-old Korean lady attending her last sessions of on-campus classes at Gordon Conwell for her doctorate!

While I was waiting for all the paperwork to be processed on my townhouse, I spent Christmas with my sister Jackie in Portland, Oregon.  It was good to visit with her since the last time I went to see her was in 2001 before I went to Abu Dhabi.

I will drive down to Florida next week to spend a generous eleven-day week with my brother, Jim, his family and my other sister, Sandy.  While there, I will also get to visit with friends at the SIM retirement home in Sebring.

My schedule is as follows:

March 22, Tuesday – Finish editing the next edition of By Prayer and send it to the proofreaders.

March 23-24, Wednesday & Thursday – drive to Florida

March 28, Monday – drive to Sebring and spend the night

March 29, Tuesday – return to Apopka to my brother and sister

April 1-2, Friday & Saturday – drive back to North Carolina

April 2-3, Saturday & Sunday – host my second SIM guest


  • Unending praises for the little townhouse that I have been blessed with
  • Thanksgiving for increases in my support
  • Great joy at the work I have that I enjoy and blesses others


  • Seek for smooth progress on completing this edition of By Prayer on time
  • Continue praying for regular monthly supporters
  • Ask for protection and safety for my travels to Florida and back
  • Request a welcoming and tender heart as I host visitors
  • Plead for wisdom and patience as I continue to search for a local church home