All posts by Janie

Notes for November

I can’t believe so much has happened since the last newsletter in August!

 Tying up loose ends……

The Child Safety Meetings went well! It was good to see team-mates; the girls got to visit a class at Dakar Academy, a Christian school in Dakar, while we were in our meetings on the school grounds. We did some shopping, and had a chance to visit Dakar churches. Corey and Katie had some important appointments related to their prospective adoption.

My car air conditioning repair didn’t make it back to Kaffrine. We will try again next week when we go to Mbour (more about that trip later!)

I think you heard about the viscous tear in my left eye which cost a week away from Kaffrine, but also afforded a much appreciated rest with wonderful friends, shopping opportunities and a chance to see friends I hadn’t seen before. It turned into a lovely interlude, however, it did cost me around $300 (1095 dh) just for the doctor, medicines and transport to and from Dakar! I did have funds to cover these costs, but am still quite sensitive to the shortfall in my long-run funding.

Corey and Katie are settled into their own home, and just this week completed an adoption home study by a social worker. For more information concerning this exciting new adventure, go to Corey & Katie’s updates here.

Molly likes to study on the bunk bed.

I can count the still unpacked boxes on the fingers of one hand and can see a system of routine beginning to settle in with school and life. The girls ride bikes to and from school. They enjoy this bit of independence and the exercise is good for them. Most days, we complete school by 1:00 p.m.. Occasionally some of the girls take some leftover work home to complete in the afternoon. We just finished Week Six of school! Katie keeps in touch with their progress by doing spelling, reading aloud their enrichment books, and listening to Wheaton do her reading assignments. This leaves me the afternoons to work on grading, planning for the next day and other activities currently including unpacking those last few boxes, sewing to make some badly needed new clothes, dealing with hardware and software issues with computers and printers and just plain resting and relaxing.

 New strands of interest….

We are all excited about the upcoming Ladies’ Retreat November 8-10. Good friends, Joe and Cara, live in Mbour so we will be going there Tuesday, Nov. 5. Corey and Katie have some appointments on Wednesday for their adoption application. We are trying to schedule a meeting at a local restaurant with a home school family near Mbour (who are studying the same history module) to share projects done in the last few weeks, have lunch and swim in the restaurant’s pool. It will be a great time to share, spend time with friends we don’t get to see often, and have a lovely afternoon at one of our new favorite places! While Katie, Cara and I go to the Ladies’ Retreat, Corey, Joe and our girls will be occupied caring for Joe and Cara’s 2 three-year-olds and year-old baby – one each for our girls to play with! I will also take my ailing car air conditioning back to the repair shop to see if the third time will fix it for real.

I am feeling more settled and, while still adjusting to the heat, know that the cooler season is coming. I am learning how to manage the house to keep it as cool as I can and how to arrange my activities so I work with the temperatures, not struggle against them. The afternoon nap is becoming a welcome renewal through the hottest hours of the day. I stay up a bit later (if we have electricity, or if

my electronic devices are charged up!) but still get the sleep I need, just in different slices.


I enjoy living alone, having the time for many things I haven’t been able to do formerly. I am really enjoying my Bible study and meditation times; drawing energy from old truths I am reminded of as well as new ones revealed. I have time to search for information to enrich what the girls are learning, sorting out worthwhile items. I am enjoying being able to spread out projects on the weekends, not having to worry about whether it still covers the dining table at meal times – it’s just me and I can clear a spot! I am also learning how to care for a dog! I think Major is learning how to play with me, too. She no longer runs out the gate, but willingly comes to be connected to her leash when there is a caller at the gate. (She also likes the treats she gets when she does!) And we have played with her throwing toy enough to tear it to pieces! Good thing we are going to Mbour soon where I can get a new one! =)

Two things are of concern for me, and I ask your prayers particularly for these. The Smiths left a large whole house fan mounted and ready to run on the roof of their house but didn’t have time to get a motor to run it. Corey has worked with great energy to procure a motor, but it does not have enough power to turn the fan fast enough to pull the hot air out of the house at night to cool it. Somehow, in this setting, getting an adequate motor is problematic. We have done everything we humanly can to get this fan to work. Will you join me in praying for whatever is needed to have this fan work to cool the house down so it will remain cooler during the day?

The second concern has to do with computers and technology. When we arrived we had my laptop, my old tower computer from last term, and the girls had Katie’s old laptop. Molly and Emma have math every day on a computer program. All three girls have typing, research and other activities on the computer. We had each girl assigned to certain computer at certain times to get it all done. Only a few weeks into school, the girl’s computer failed. My tower computer has also started to hang up and freeze during their lessons. My laptop is now 5 years old and I can see it also slowing down with the additional use. My relatively new printer/scanner/copier I have heavily depended upon to print worksheets has malfunctioned and will no longer scan or copy. In addition, it is unable to complete the alignment of a new print cartridge because it can’t scan and continually sends me warning messages on the computer. I am sure that God is still completely sovereign and has a great plan for these issues, but we still have to deal with the present situation of lack of a computer and printer problems. Please join me in praying for His intervention and solution to these inconvenient issues.

Even in the midst of heat and sweat, computer and printer issues, I can see God’s presence and movement in our lives. The girls are thriving in their school work. I can see growth and maturity in all of them where there was concern even at the beginning of the school year. They are more able to deal with disappointments and adjust to the present situation; learning to share more graciously (especially computer time!) and are eagerly delving into their projects with excitement and enjoyment.

Katie and Corey are using their time without the girls to grow new relationships with town people. Corey is recruiting readers to help proof the new Wolofal text he will be producing; Katie is working with the ladies of the small local church to grow a Women’s Ministry as well as teaching Sunday School. While I have limited but friendly contact with my Senegalese neighbors, I can see Corey and Katie’s interactions expanding. If I can help facilitate this, my ministry of support is a success!

Funding Findings

Please continue to pray for my funding to be complete. To be in compliance with SIM’s budgetary guidelines I still need that elusive 14% or $375 (1375Dh) more per month. Please keep this issue before the Father. For further information or to donate click here.

To see  a few pictures of what we have been up to, click here.


  • Praise that my eye issue was not serious.
  • Praise and prayer for my continued health.
  • Pray for the repairs that are needed for the fan and to my car.
  • Pray for computers and printer to work correctly!
  • Pray for new workers to come join the Kaffrine team.
  • Please continue to pray for Steve Smith and family, our teammate suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome who is in the USA this year.
  • Pray for continued additions to my support to bring it up to 100%.

August Arrival!

We Made It!

 We made it … through the last weeks of packing up in Connecticut, sorting what store, what to pass on for others to use, and what to include in our bulging suitcases.

We made it … to a time of resting, relaxing and restoring with Katie’s family in Maine. This was a real blessing to have time to rest after all the activity, and for good, long final visits with family members.

We made it … through airports, checking in a total of 18 suitcases, boxes and containers, herding six of us through security gates, check-ins and check-outs, waits in airports, long flights (with multiple movies to watch!), collecting luggage, and arriving at our team-mates home where we stayed in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, the first few days.

Emma and Wheaton model their new outfits

We made it … through a second round of warm reunions with old- and introductions with new- teammates in the town of Thies, more shopping, and catching up on a whole year of life apart.

We made it … through our last stop to visit with other missionary friends on the way, getting the air conditioning repaired on my car, shopping for groceries, and driving the remaining 4 hours to Kaffrine.

We made it … through heavy rains at our arrival and cleaning up two months of dust from the house I will be living in.

 We are making it….

Bit by bit I am finding my way to settling in this house, figuring out how to arrange the schoolroom, where to stash books and supplies, and where to put the prize box! Corey and Katie and the girls are staying here with me as their house is being prepared for their move. Vacant since last October, their house needs some minor repairs. Corey and Katie are reconnecting with friends in Kaffrine and in the surrounding villages and helping with flood relief while the repairs are being made.

Sadly, the heavy rains that greeted us on our arrival also washed out many of our friends’ huts. Corey and the local pastor are spending much of their time visiting our friends’ villages helping to provide them with relief aid to rebuild their homes. For more information see Corey’s post.


One of the many houses that collapsed in the rain

Unfortunately, some of our school books are in those containers, so I am limited in what I can set up and arrange for school. The girls were excited enough about school to want to start with some things, so we have done a few lessons of math and a little language arts. (Every lesson of math they do now earns them a day of NO MATH during the school year!) Most of Wheaton’s school books are still packed away in storage with our belongings we left here last year, so she has less she can do right now.

All our belongings we left here are still in storage. Since I left Senegal a full month before Corey and Katie, my things are in the back of the storage unit and not accessible until they move into their home. I am trying to use this time as a lesson in patience! We ARE getting in lots of rest, time playing games, and Emma is reading ALL the books in the house!

The bad news is that the repaired air conditioning in my car ($500 worth!) did not even work long enough to get to Kaffrine. The good news is that it has a four-month warranty on the work, but it will be another month before we return to the mechanic. SIM is requiring us to attend some training sessions on Child Safety in mid-September. We will be returning to Dakar for these meetings and will drop off the car on our way and pick it up on our return home.

With all the challenges, we are truly happy to be here in Kaffrine, eager to start our regular routine and get back to work. We are enjoying discovering our new neighbors and neighborhood. We are constantly grateful to the Smiths for letting me use their spacious home for this coming year.

The Inside Story

I have unpacked all the things I brought, and arranged everything. I am glad to be here, but my thermostat is still set to cooler temperatures! I am having to readjust to Senegal, and finding it more irksome than when I moved here three years ago. The heat is difficult for me, and my energy level plummets when I am hot. I still do not like mosquitoes, flies, lizards, spiders or other creeping and crawling things in my bedroom at night.

Since we don’t have all our stuff out yet, and Corey and Katie are in the house I am feeling in prolonged limbo, unable to go forward or backward. We barely get the girls in bed by 8:30 before I race to the shower and flop in the bed myself!

The good thing is that I also wake up earlier (6:00AM or so….) so I am up before most of the house and it is quiet for concentration and meditation. I have one, just one, of the Bible Study guides I brought for these two years. I don’t have to decide which one to use! (The rest are in the eagerly awaited package I mailed to myself!) So I am drenching myself in this study and finding it refreshing.

Playing Settlers with Wheaton

I can see God’s hand in many of our circumstances and know in that ‘gut-level feeling’ way that this is a necessary part of our time here, and can be content.

Funding Findings

Please continue to pray for my funding to be complete. I still need that elusive 14% or $375 (1375Dh) more per month. In conversation with Corey, the SIM USA Finance Office, through reflection and prayer, we decided that I would come, and trust God to provide what I need. Since I am sure this is what He has called me to do at this time, I can trust him to carry me through. Please prayerfully lift this need to the Father. For further information or to donate click here.


For more pictures click here!


  • Praise for ending well in the USA and beginning well here in Senegal.
  • Praise that Corey’s recovery from shoulder surgery is progressing well; pray for continued progress.
  • Praise and prayer for my continued health.
  • Pray for the repairs that are needed to my car.
  • Pray for a smooth transition to new housing for us all; for repairs to be completed well and in a timely manner and internet and phone to be connected soon.
  • Pray for new workers to come join the Kaffrine team.
  • Please continue to pray for Steve Smith and family, our teammate suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome who is in the USA this year.
  • Pray for continued additions to my support to bring it up to 100%.

May and June 2013

Summer is officially here!  And that means that we are pulling out our suitcases, packing up winter clothes and sorting through stuff to decide what to store, what to take and what to ‘gift’ to others!  One month until our departure!


End of school year Music Concert


My eye has settled down and healed with no side effects.  I developed tendonitis in my left elbow and a round of doctor visits and physical therapy are helping it to settle down.

Corey’s surgery went well and he is progressing nicely with his physical therapy to restore full movement in his right arm.  Please pray he will continue to make progress and reach that complete healing and restoration point soon.

Last meetings for committees I have been a part of at the Barn were held and the last one, reporting to the governing board of the church is next week.  My talk at the Community Bible Study group went well in spite of the slide show not working.  Several women spoke about their appreciation for my remarks, so thank you for your prayers!

AWANA Car Derby

The AWANA Bible Quiz went very well and all were pleased to see how much the clubbers had learned – even the clubbers.  There was also a pinewood car race at the end of the year and all three of our girls’ cars placed within the top ten fastest cars!  Way to go, Emma, Molly and Wheaton’ with a little help from Dad!

School and AWANA are over and the girls are reveling in getting to sleep late, play dates with friends with pools and frequent trips to the library to bring back mounds of books to devour in the lazy days!


…and Departure
July 3-8         Corey’s dad and wife will make their final visit to say goodbye.Our departure plans are racing into reality!  Our schedule looks like this:

July 8             Katie’s dad will come to pick up the three girls and take them to Maine.

July 8-13       Corey, Katie and I will stay at a friend’s house while we finish packing, moving boxes and furniture to storage or return to owners, and do final cleaning to leave the manse in tip-top condition.

July 14           Corey will speak at one more church with a fellowship lunch on our way to Maine.

July 14-26    Final visit with Katie’s family at their summer home in Maine.

July 26-31    Return to Connecticut friend’s home for our last Sunday at The Barn and a few days rest.

August 1      Drive to New York airport to fly to Senegal.



Once in Senegal we plan to spend a few days in Dakar meeting familiar and new team-mates, and doing some necessary shopping.  We will then travel to Thies to meet more new team-mates and to fellowship with other friends for a few days and finally return to Kaffrine.  We will all stay in the Smith’s house until Corey and Katie can unpack and make all necessary arrangements to set up and move into their ‘new’ home.  I will remain in the Smith’s home and set up to live and home school there.  This arrangement will help Corey and Katie fit in their new but smaller home and help guard and maintain the Smith’s house while they are on Home Assignment for a year.


Transition traumas….

Some days I am so excited about the upcoming school year – the material we will cover is so interesting!  I am looking forward to having a third, fifth and sixth grader and all the things I will be able to do with older students.  I also am looking forward to having a clear definition between what is home and what is school.  And it will be fun to have my ‘own’ place to fix up and arrange.

My lovely Connecticut friends!

Some days I want to run and hide.  I will miss my new dear friends and the lovely church family I have grown to love.  I will have to do without so many conveniences of the USA, and it will be hot – without an air conditioner!  I will be living alone – in a house in Senegal!  I will have two dogs in my yard (a good thing for security!) that I will need to take care of (I have NEVER had a dog before – scary!)  There will be no one else besides Corey, Katie and the girls I can go and visit with in town since I don’t speak Wolof.

Then when I begin to shake and quake, I remember THIS is what God has called ME to do at this time.  I remember that what I do and how I do it are not about me or my comfort level but about God and the glory he will get because of my little acts of obedience.  Then the peace of knowing that He will be with me in the swelter and the aloneness wash over me and I can be content.


Funding Findings

Please continue to pray for my funding to be complete.  There have been quite a few additions so my most recent calculations show that I need only 14% or $375 (1375Dh) more per month.  In conversations with the SIM USA office I have three options.  1. Stay in the United States until I reach 100% and go whenever that happens and Katie will start school.  2. Go now on a reduced budget.  Planning to live separately from Katie and Corey with increased expenses, this doesn’t seem a wise choice.  3. Go now and stay until the money runs out and then come home, leaving Katie to finish the second school year.  My first choice is for the support to come in and go at 100%!  Please prayerfully lift this need to the Father.  For further information or to donate click here.



  • Praise for the many opportunities to connect with friends and family in the USA.
  • Praise that Corey’s surgery went well and he is improving daily; pray for continued progress.
  • Praise and prayer for my continued health.
  • Pray for our travels in the USA and in Senegal.
  • Pray for a smooth transition to new housing for us all.
  • Pray for new workers to come join the Kaffrine team.
  • Please continue to pray for Steve Smith and family, our teammate suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome who will be in the USA this next year.
  • Pray for continued additions to my support to bring it up to 100%.


March & April 2013

Spring is finally arriving in Connecticut!  Yes, I really did say ‘finally’ since I have enjoyed the winter and snow so much!  I didn’t think I would ever be tired of the snow, but with those gusty warm breezes and crocuses in the ground the excitement about trees budding, grass appearing and discovering what is planted in the gardens around the house is contagious!

We have had several opportunities for sharing about Senegal in local churches.  Here we are sharing with some children’s classes during a week long missions emphasis in a nearby church.  Katie and I both had opportunity to share in different settings as well.

Tripping Around America

Last week was Spring Break at school.  Corey, Katie and the girls headed south to Virginia for some fun with extended family.  I headed north to Canada to connect with old friends I haven’t seen for years as well as meet some new ones!  Team mates from Senegal, Geoff and Esther in Burlington, just across the border and I had a short but very special evening catching up on one another’s lives.  I then went on to Oakville to spend the week with good friends Nirmala and Densil from Abu Dhabi.  We had lots of time to talk and remember and just have some relaxed time with the family.

On the way back I stopped to meet some new friends at Browncroft, one of the most active supporters of the Wolof in upper New York state.  I stayed with a lovely gal, Lynn, who arranged several opportunities for me to meet with folks who have heard about me, and I about them for many years.  It was a great blessing to get to connect with these lovely people who lift us up in prayer on a regular basis.

Because life doesn’t have enough excitement, I woke up on Friday morning with a red and swollen eye, apparently from a bug bite the night before when we cooked out.  I made it back home safely, but the doctor put me on antibiotics on Monday.  My eye is still quite swollen and red making reading and general seeing uncomfortable.  I am sure I will recover, but there are several times in the next week when I will be presenting in front of people, and my appearance isn’t the best, to say the least!  Please pray the swelling and inflammation will disappear quickly!

Wednesday morning, 24 April, Corey and Katie flew out to Seattle, Washington for a six day Wolof Connection conference.  They will be both attending and presenting.  The girls and I are “home alone” and hope to have some fun times without the parents!

 Barn Doings

My involvement in the Barn continues.  AWANA is planning an in-house Bible Quiz late in May and I have been asked to help with planning the questions and preparing the clubbers for it.  Many of these clubbers have never been involved in AWANA before so have not experienced Bible Quiz before.  Pray that they will enjoy it and end up learning and reinforcing verses they have been learning all year long.

There has been a request to have the workshop on Forgiveness that I led in March repeated this Sunday evening in an expanded format.  Please pray for this time to be fruitful for attendees.  Pray also that my eye will not be a distraction for me or those attending.

The GLUE committee at church is taking more responsibility for its activities, and members taking more part.  Please pray that these events will go well and be times of blessing, connection and refreshment for us all.

 Other Opportunities

I have an invitation next Thursday, May 2 to share with the Community Bible Study group I have been attending this year about being a Home School Teacher in Senegal.  Please pray that my presentation would center on God and not me!

We have several events coming up in May and June that will be our last scheduled times with churches.

Departure Plans

About returning to Senegal, the girls are thinking, “Yay, we get to go back home!” while we are thinking “Well, this is the last time I will go to this place, or the last time I will see these people.”  While I am rejoicing in the opportunities, I am also detaching and withdrawing from this bountiful setting.  We are so very conscious of the isolation we will be experiencing as the only westerners in our town since our team mates will not be there, at least for the first year we will be there.

And just because God wants to remind us that HE is in control, Corey announced on Monday he will need to have surgery that will delay our departure at least until the first of August.  (Maybe some of these ‘lasts’ aren’t really the LAST after all!)  Corey has been experiencing moderate discomfort in his right shoulder for some time.  At the youth retreat in March, he hurt it badly enough to visit a doctor about it.  Monday he was informed his rotator cuff needs surgery and the physical therapy following it will require staying in the States until August.  We are in the midst of figuring out housing, scheduling and all the other details in these changes in our calendar.  Please pray for guidance for all these details and arrangements!

Funding Findings

Please continue to pray for my funding to be complete.  There has been little movement in funding since the last update.  I still need that remaining 46% or $1208 (2155Dh) per month.  SIM’s policy is to not allow a missionary to go on the field until they are 100% supported with gifts or promises.  I need to have promises for the rest of my support to come in before I can return to Senegal.  Please prayerfully lift this need to the Father.  For further information or to donate click here.

To see pictures from the last couple of months click here.


  • Praise for the many opportunities to connect with friends and family in the USA.
  • Praise that our trips to Virginia (Corey and family) and Canada (me) were refreshing and safe.
  • Pray for Corey’s surgery next Friday, May 3 and all the arrangements that need to be made.
  • Pray for the swift healing of my eye.
  • Pray for GLUE transition and the activities and events planned.
  • Pray for workers to come join the Kaffrine team.
  • Please continue to pray for Steve Smith, our Kaffrine teammate suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • Pray for continued additions to my support to bring it up to 100%.