All posts by Janie

November News

It has been an eventful time since I last communicated with you!  The most recent and significant event has been Hurricane Sandy that came by last week.  It was broadcast to be one of the worst storms since the 1930’s as it approached.  Sandy arrived on Monday with hardly any damage in this area.  It did, however knock out our electricity.  Early in October we had received an invitation from our church to move into the unoccupied pastor’s home (the manse).  We had delayed moving because of two trips Corey and Katie had already planned to visit donors and churches in October.  After Sandy hit we heard there was electricity at the Manse so we carried over some perishable food to put in the refrigerator.  While there, we met one of the church leaders checking on the church.  He quickly organized a moving crew and in 5 hours, we were moved to the manse!  This is a much larger house, and warmer.  We are grateful for this wonderful provision.  While the original house was in a lovely setting, there were some significant needed repairs that the owner can now make without tenants to constrain the progress.  I am typing in my new office arranged for my work with SIM.

I came through my cataract surgery well, and am typing with no glasses.  I do have a prescription for glasses, but they will be mostly for night driving or when my eyes are tired.  My next appointment is in three months!  Thank you for all your prayers that helped me through the whole process.  I still occasionally catch myself reaching for my glasses, either to put them on or take them off, but am really thankful for my new eyes!

Corey and Katie’s first trip was west to meet with a number of friends and supporters in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Iowa.  The girls went with them for that two-week trip and I remained at home.  One of my long-time friends came for a 4-day visit while the family was gone and we had lots of fun picking apples and driving around to see the lovely colored fall leaves.

Chris Ortiz and me hiking near Simsbury

In less than a week after their return, Corey and Katie again left for a 9-day trip to a church having a week long mission conference with special emphasis on the Wolof people.  The girls stayed with me for that time and we had a busy round of school, completion of a big school project for Emma, final party for Emma’s soccer team, and AWANA for all three girls.  We were also busy with construction of costumes for Halloween.  Emma is Princess Leia and Wheaton is R2D2 (both from Star Wars) and Molly is a gum ball machine.  All very cute and all lots of work!  Corey and Katie rushed home on Monday and arrived safely before Sandy hit.

With so much going on, I have had little time or ability to work for SIM lately, so I feel sadly behind.  I am reminded that there is no one else to attend to these projects, so am encouraged that the progress that I have made would not have occurred if I were not here to do it.  I am very blessed to be able to serve SIM in this capacity.  Things should settle down now so I can get back to this work.

In regards to my support level, there is some good news.  I have received promises which bring my support level to 45%.  I am thankful for this increase, but still need 55% or $1435 (5235 Dh) per month.  Please prayerfully lift this need to the Father.  For further information or to donate click here.



  • Praise for the many things we have accomplished: Cataract surgery, safe journeys; safety through Sandy; and successful move to the manse
  • The couple who were possibly moving to Kaffrine in Senegal have decided NOT to minister there but elsewhere.  Pray for workers to come join the Kaffrine team.
  • Steve Smith, our Kaffrine team mate suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is traveling to the USA for medical appointments in November.  Pray for God to work through these appointments and tests to bring Steve healing and relief from pain.
  • Pray for continued additions to my support to bring it up to 100%.

September Spots

I am sitting here with my glasses on, counting the minutes till I go to have cataract surgery on my left eye – the worst one, and looking forward to getting rid of these broken glasses I have wired together with jewelry wire!

While I am waiting, I thought it would help distract me to update you on what is happening here.  First of all, HERE is West Simsbury, a small suburb west of Hartford, Connecticut.  We are living in the home of a long time family friend of Katie’s.  It is a snug mountain cabin nestled in the hilly woods 4 miles from stores and town.  I hear the acorns falling on the roof and rolling off, hear the stream at the bottom of the hill as a constant tune and see trees out every window.  Our closest neighbor is down the hill and across the stream through the trees.  It is such a steep hill we have to go down the road and up their drive to get to them.  We haven’t done that yet, but I hope to soon.

The girls are happily registered at school and love their teachers and classmates.  No, I am not jealous; they know this is for one year and look forward to being back in school with me in Senegal.  They are enjoying this year with friends and extra activities.  Emma has joined the middle school soccer team and is the starting goalie!  Molly and Wheaton are waiting for AWANA to start in October.  Corey is driving the morning school bus (there is no afternoon route) and Katie is in charge of the After School program every day.  We are in the first weeks of school and I can see a schedule developing for school days.

Just because I am not teaching this year doesn’t mean I’m not busy!  My JOB in Senegal is to teach the girls.  My JOB in the USA is to work with SIM USA under the direction of the SIM Northeast Regional Director, Stephen Vannah.

There are two big projects I am working on.  The first one is to follow up with folks in the USA who have started the application process with SIM USA for possible service but have been lost track of for a variety of reasons.  I am finding these people in the database, locating current contact info and calling and/or emailing them to discover where they are now and how SIM can be of further service to them.  I have already made some interesting contacts and been able to rejoice with folks over how God has led them in their lives.

The second project is to update SIM’s database of church information across the country.  I am updating or adding information including addresses, phone numbers, web sites, names of current pastors and missions directors, phone numbers and email addresses.  This updated information will help to improve connections between SIM and their supporting churches.  It is fun to learn about so many lively and active churches all over the country!  I am excited to be part of this valuable project helping those in the SIM USA office work more efficiently.

As you know, when in Senegal, I need financial support to pay my bills.  What you might not know is that for my work in the USA, I still need the same financial support to pay my bills!  In BOTH places, I am actively serving in missions!

When I was in Abu Dhabi in April, many people presented me with one-time financial gifts.  I am blessed and thank you all for your support.  I am still praying for the remaining funds I will need to continue serving in missions for these next three years!  Right now, I have 35% of my needed monthly income promised or in hand.  I still need 65% or $1,695 (6200Dh) per month for the next three years.  Please prayerfully join me in presenting this need to God.


Prayer Points

  • Praise God for successful surgery on my left eye, pray for the surgery for my right eye on Wednesday.  On the right you can see me with one glass on my “old” right eye and no glass on my “new” left eye>>>>>
  • Praise Him for the interesting and useful work I am doing with SIM USA that I enjoy.
  • Praise the Lord for a lovely church community; pray that I will find a place of service that will benefit the church and use my particular gifts.
  • Pray for a road trip to the Midwest that Corey, Katie and the girls will take from 28 September to 15 October.  They will be meeting with a number of friends and supporters in Indiana, Ohio, Illinois and Iowa.
  • Praise God for good friends who will come and visit me while the family is gone on their trip.
  • There is a new couple strongly considering joining our Kaffrine team long-term. The husband will be visiting Kaffrine this week; please pray for a great visit and for the Lord to guide and provide for this family. We are continually praying for more workers among the unreached but wide open Wolof people!

Summer 2012

Dear Friends,

It is with wonder and amazement that I write to you!  The adventures of the last two months have shown God’s hand in all that has gone on.

At the end of May I closed the homeschooling books, packed all my belongings and departed for two months of travels.  Since I had to travel to the USA, and since almost all flights have layovers in Europe somewhere, I took advantage of the opportunity to travel through seven European countries.  I got a Eurail Pass and went visiting.  I visited three of the interns who had come to Kaffrine during these past two years; Silas and Jaël in different parts of Switzerland and Alexia in France.  I also visited four friends from Abu Dhabi; Adriana Mirgoace in Romania, Brigitte Wensauer in Germany, and Adlien David and Ken Wong in London.  My sister, Jackie, traveled with me to Romania and we explored some areas in the Netherlands together.  I also had the pleasure of spending time with my brother, Jim, and his family during their vacation in Rome.  It was an altogether lovely time of visiting, renewing and refreshing one another in every instance.

Upon my return to the USA on July 5, I planned to get a new driving license in Chicago, where my permanent residence is located (my daughter’s address).  Great was my disappointment when the Secretary of State required my physical Social Security card despite multiple official documents containing my SS number.  We visited the SS office and discovered it would take two weeks to obtain a duplicate SS card.  I flew to my debriefing at SIM USA headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina baffled and wondering would happen to my plans to drive to friends in several southern states for the remainder of July.

When I arrived at the SIM USA office for morning prayers on Monday morning, July 9, and was asked to share prayer requests, I freely shared my predicament.  Several on staff indicated there might be opportunity for me to help with the two-week orientation for new missionaries (SIMGo) that would start the following Monday, and one sweet lady offered to allow me to stay in her home.  Before my two days of debriefing interviews were over, it was discovered that the main planner of SIMGo had been ordered to bed rest at home with final preparations for the 50 candidates incomplete.  I was immediately called upon to help with the completion of informational notebooks for each one and to assist with welcoming them as they arrived on the SIM USA campus.  During the two-week event I also assisted in preparing lunch and supper for the group (attendance averaging 140 for lunch and 110 at supper!) Monday through Friday plus meals for the first weekend.  The director of SIMCo knew that my work would include early and late hours and arranged for me to stay just across the street from the office so I wasn’t dependent upon anyone for transportation, and no one would need to wait around or return to pick me up.

If this were not enough, I also was able to have programs for my work with the SIM Northwest Regional Director installed on my laptop and obtained security clearance and training for them.

Additionally, I was able to see Corey and Katie and the girls when they came through for their debriefing upon entering the USA, as well as again midway through when they returned for Katie to attend the SIM USA Board Meeting in her capacity as a new Board Member.  They also gave me a ride in their newly purchased previously-owned van!

The completion of SIMGo matched perfectly with my daughter, Julie’s, graduation from her two-year certificate program to qualify her to be a Spiritual Director.  AND I did finally get my driving license.

Through this whole incredible time, it was so clear that these things were of God’s arrangement, I was amazed.  My need perfectly matched the need of the SIM USA staff at just the right time, for just the right time!  I did miss seeing my friends, but every one of them has expressed a desire to reschedule and connect while I am in the USA.

Corey and Katie arrived safely in Connecticut and tell me that my borrowed RED Toyota awaits my arrival August 1.  They have been settling in with furniture they have been gifted with as well as bounteous supplies of food and warm welcomes from good friends.  God is soo good!

Next?  I will fly to Connecticut August 1 and have Corey and Katie show me around a bit before they leave for two and a half weeks with her parents at their Maine home.  I will visit them for about a week in mid-August.

The first week I am in Connecticut the SIM Regional Director will meet with me between out of state trips to go over exactly what he initially wants me to do.

My web site is down due to complicated technical difficulties and all through this time I have been struggling with rebuilding it.  It seems that it is almost done, but there is still a daunting amount of work needed.  This will be one of the first things I need to get done when I arrive in Connecticut and settle in one spot.

Now that I have committed to serving with SIM for another three years, I am looking ot raise the support I will need in order t do this.  Currently I have received promises which cover 40% of my support requirement.  Thanks to all of you who are a part of this huge blessing!  I still need $1565 per month (5700 Dh per month for those of you in the UAE).  This amount includes health insurance, my plane ticket to Senegal, pension, taxes, a small amount of administrative costs as well as salary and housing.  I need to be fully supported in order to remain on active status with health insurance while I am here in the USA and in order to return to Senegal with Corey and Katie next June.  If you have supported me in the past, and plan to continue, or if you want to join my support team with a financial gift or monthly pledge, please send me an email at  I also need people willing to regularly pray for me and the ministry I have been called to.  Please join me in praying for this needed support!

In the next week or so, I will settle into a new town and church, find a grocery store, doctor, dentist, etc, fabric store(!?!) and wear out a map.  Be assured I am confident God will be with me, and guide all my days!


Prayer Points:

Praises for travel safety and good visits with all those I saw.

Praises for vehicles for both Corey and Katie and me.

Praises for all the events of July at SIM USA and the help I was able to be at SIMGo.

Praise for getting to see my daughter’s graduation.

Guidance for us all settling into a new home in Simsbury, Connecticut

Refreshment for us all in a time of renewing family relationships

Wisdom to be able to do the work for the SIM Regional Director

Pray that I will get the new web site active quickly

Pray for the building of my Support Team and the remaining 60% of my finances